Back Pain Causes


Back Pain Causes

Whenever I see every day, 60% of the people even youngers I see suffer from back pain. A man was very distressed, he cannot sit on a chair, cannot lie down, or lie up. When I went into the waiting area, he knelt on the ground with his head on a chair. I offered him some exercises which I already applied to many people who were suffering from such joint pain and back pain.  In 1 week, I helped him reduce the pain by 50%, and in 3 weeks, he returned to work with zero pain.

 This man has tried for many years. It is normal if we see it in the office every week, this is not accidental. This is not a miracle, just an understanding of why our back hurts. Medical institutions somehow missed this in training.

I am a massage therapist and not only provide massage services. I am fascinated by the body's muscles and how they function in our senses. Too much attention is focused on strength training our muscles. In every peer-reviewed journal, there are hundreds of studies on building muscle. There is very little research on why we need stretching and what is the best method. This is why we still cannot solve back pain once and for all.

All three parts of our body can cause back pain. To figure out not difficult that which one is? If the back is injured when sitting or lying down for a period of time, standing for a period of time, or bending over to pick up something and standing up, it is probably caused by the front of the body.

More specifically, if the pain is on both sides of the waist, it is the front of the thigh. If the pain is in the middle, it may be caused by the inner thigh; on the other hand, if the back pain is after sitting for a period of time, it usually means the hamstring muscles are tight. Back.

 These three sets of muscles can actually tilt the pelvis forward or backward, thereby exerting tremendous pressure on the lower spine. If not treated in time, it may cause bulging of the intervertebral disc, herniated disc or nerve compression.

Don't wait until this happens. If you exercise in the gym and discuss these aspects with your coach, they will show truly ineffective stretching exercises. The quadrilateral stretch of standing and raising the heel to the hip is actually the most for the knee. You may feel the tension in the quadriceps, but this is simply because they are too tight, and any bending of the knee may cause this condition.

Squatting will do the same thing. Once the quadrilateral becomes tight enough, the knee cannot bend that far. In the.

Second Mistake

 The second mistake of stretching backward is trying to stretch your back by leaning forward. It does feel good at the moment, but since you haven't stretched the front of your thighs, it won't last long. Extend the inner thighs to the position where you are sitting on the floor, put the soles of your feet together, and then press down on your knees to not work either. If you are already flexible, that would be great, otherwise, you may get injured. First, you have three hamstrings, so you can only stretch one at most. Second, if the cause is positive, it will not help. I worked with a man who was passionate about yoga. She has a backache, go to see a doctor. When he showed him that he could bend forward and put his palm on the floor, he said, "Yes, you are flexible, this is not a problem." When I asked him to bend backward to stretch the front thigh , he said he never did it because it was too difficult. I showed him how to stretch them and he had no pain in two weeks and still no pain after 3 years. The biggest mistake people make when doing stretching or teaching stretching is not including the brain.

 If you think you will hurt yourself, then your brain will not let you do something. If the brain doesn't believe you can do it, then you won't. Stretching is to show the possibility of brain movement.

When people try to force a stretch or hold for more than 5 seconds in pain, the brain will contract the opposite muscle to stop the pain. This may cause cramps. Learning the correct stretching method will adopt a different way of thinking.

Types Of Back Pain

·       Back pain can occur for many reasons, including the following:

·       herniated disc,

·       muscle strain (caused by overuse or incorrect posture),

·       muscle injury, pinched / compressed nerve,

·       spinal stenosis (stenosis of the spinal canal),

·       vertebral fracture, bone The natural process of porosity.

·       Aging spondylitis (an infection of the spine that causes inflammation) Scoliosis degenerative tumor disc disease

Key to Learn

The key is to be able to learn all about stretching and relearn new methods that are more beneficial to your body. If you can do this, you will find that the older you are, the less pain you will endure this is your gift for lifetime, be remain healthy with ufitever.


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