CORONA Second Wave


Corona Virus or COVID 19


COVID-19 is the viral disease that attacks on people in different ways. This virus accelerates in minutes and jumps from one to another person within a specified area which is around 6ft. but its not danger where the person has powerful immune system which fight against corona virus.



 Symptoms of Covid 19 are different which are divided into most and less common symptoms

Corona common symptoms

Ø  Cough Dry

Ø  Fever

Ø  Tiredness


Corona Less Common Symptoms:


·       Aches and pains

·       Sore throat

·       Diarrhoea

·       Conjunctivitis

·       Headache

·       Taste or Smell lost

·       Skin rashes


Corona danger symptoms

ü  Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

ü  Chest pain or pressure

ü  Loss of speech or movement

Covid second wave 

Now a days world is facing second wave of COVID 19, which is becoming dangerous as it was before controlling in the 1st quarter of year 2020.

Reason of rapid rise in cases in second wave of corona is no adaptation of SOPs made by WHO


Non wearing of mask

Non adherence to Social distancing

Over rush at public places

Thoroughly hand washing

Safety measures

Covid 19 is nothing if we adopt safety as mentioned by WHO in the form of SOPs.

With the all above SOPs , keep doing healthy activity for fitness and enhance your immune system by applying the activities like,



Body building

Breath Exercises

Breath in hail and exhale holding for 10 second

Weight Loss by exercise

Vitamins intake as prescribed by doctors

By adopting all above tips and safety measures we can defeat to not only Corona second wave but also all other viral infections which may affect our lives.

Whenever Exposed To Covid-19 Coronavirus, How Long Before You Have Symptoms

. You are contemplating whether you got tainted and if so when you may get infectious and create indications. Furthermore, when would you be able to be certain that you're free.

Inert period: This is the timeframe between getting tainted with the infection and first getting infectious. Consider it the time it takes for the infection to get a traction (or possibly a spikehold) in your body, to do the terrible in your body, and make enough duplicates of itself.


Hatching period: This is the timeframe between getting contaminated with the infection and first creating manifestations. Consider this the measure of time that it takes for enough of the infection to develop in your body and your safe framework to ponder, in the expressions of Marvin Gaye, "what's happening" and respond.


Irresistible or infectious period: This is the time from the finish of the inertness time frame when you initially become infectious until you are not, at this point infectious. During this time, you will have an irresistible character however bad and can spread the infection to other people.


Suggestive period: This is the time from the finish of the brooding time frame when you first beginning having indications to when your side effects resolve.


The inert period and the hatching time frame both beginning simultaneously, when the infection initial goes into the cells of your body. You're not quickly irresistible once the Covid-19 Covid gets inside your body. It needs to get into your respiratory lot cells, seize your cells' apparatus, and utilize your cells like modest inn rooms to repeat.


Close contact with somebody incorporates going through over 15 minutes inside six feet of the individual or


These more limited prospects emerged from the perception that the normal brooding period is by all accounts five to six days. As such, on normal you will create indications five to six days after you've been contaminated with the infection, accepting that you wind up creating manifestations. A larger part of those tainted will have a brooding time of seven days or less. Furthermore, possibly over 90% of those tainted will have a brooding time of ten days or less. For instance, an investigation distributed in the New England Journal of Medicine back in March found that 95% of the patients had a hatching time of 12.5 days or less. Also, an examination distributed in the Annals of Internal Medicine in May assessed the middle brooding period to be 5.1


In the event that you are probably going to get infectious one to two days prior to creating manifestations, at that point on normal you will get infectious three to four days subsequent to being tainted with the Covid-19 Covid. Thusly, the scope of the dormant period is most likely two to around 10 days.


The length of the suggestive period is more confounded. In spite of the fact that for some, side effects resolve following a little while, a sizeable level of individuals appear to have proceeding with indications long after the underlying contamination has settled.


At last, in the event that you are considering how long you will be free after a potential presentation to somebody with Covid-19 stress, utilize the 14-day mark. Despite the fact that the CDC is presently considering potential cuts in the isolate time, they actually state screen yourself for side effects for 14 days. Indeed, the CDC site states, "CDC keeps on underwriting isolate for 14 days and perceives that any isolate more limited than 14 days adjusts diminished weight against a little chance of spreading the infection.s.



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