Body building



Heavy workout or working hard in daily routine may lead causes of dullness of body and person loose strength gradually to kee p healthy life and be an active personality ,  Nutrigo Lab Regeneration is providing you good edge of health and perfect body as you want everytime. What else  nutrigo lab regeneration has for you.



This is a complex, multi-component food supplement specially designed to help you recuperate and regenerate after heavy workouts. It contains both PeptoPro® hydrolysate and Optipep® protein hydrolysate which help generation and maintenance of muscle cells in your body. It helps you recover fast after the workouts and reduces soreness in your muscles. Due to the fact that it contains BCAA amino acids, it reduces catabolism as well!

Why you use nutrigo lab Regeneration

After working hard and gym exercise, it tolls on your body, in such situation you need to get ready for next hard work out as quick as possible. Nutri lab Regenration supplement does exactly the same as body required in this condition and gives the full strength to fight against fatigue after body building.






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